Friday, September 12, 2008

Joey's Return to the Sea

I got to go on my first trip with Georgia Aquarium! Three Aquarium biologists and I traveled to St. Simons Island with Joey, the Aquarium's loggerhead sea turtle, to release him back into the ocean! I went as a part of the new media team to document the event with photos and video.

Joey was a rescued hatchling and the Aquarium rehabilitated him. Once Joey was six years old, Aquarium biologists weaned him off human care and taught him the skills needed to return to the ocean.

We released Joey on Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008 on St. Simons Island, GA. Prior to the release, Joey was fitted with a special satellite transmitter, which allows the Aquarium to monitor Joey's activities and movements. It was amazing to see him swim out to sea and to track him online! What an awesome experience!

Check out my photos and videos here: